Thursday, April 9, 2020

The "Appeal" of Prime Minister is not desirable and beneficial for the country.

Today we are facing the challenge of Corona Virus which has caused havoc on the large scale in the world as more than 10 lacs people have been effected with it and more than 54 thousand people have been died. This is the reason that in most of the country of the world have declared lockdown resulting in all kinds of activities have come to halt. In our country we have been also facing the situation of lockdown and it is a good thing that all of us strictly follow the rules of lockdown and have made ourselves captive in our houses. Because everyone of us honestly wishes of defeating this dangerous Corona disease. This is the biggest expression of unity of the people of the country. Not only this behaviours to fight with this disease also show our strong willpower which is helpful in bearing of all kinds of difficulties. In this background this appeal of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the all countrymen for switching of all lights in houses and after coming to the doors and on balconies of the houses for lighting up Candles, Clay Lamp, Torches or Flashlights of Mobile Phones, is meaningless as it is not necessary for the countrymen to follow this appeal of the PM Narendra Modi because they have been already expressing their unity by closing themselves behind the doors of their houses. This appeal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will certainly not helpful in any way to fight with this disease. It is not a voiceful appeal. It is another thing that Prime Minister being a Prime Minister, he can appeal about anything to the countrymen. When all the countrymen have been expressing their unity by closing themselves behind the doors of their houses, what is necessity of expressing it on April 5th by switching of lights of their houses for 9 minutes and lighting up Candles, Torches, Clay lamp or Flashlights of Mobile Phones. Meanwhile objections on switching of all lights of the houses in the whole countrymen at a particular time have been expressed by concerned officials and it has been advised for the rethinking on this appeal as they have express their fears of closing down of all transformers in the country till 24 hours. Thus we find that the appeal of Prime Minister to the countrymen for expressing their unity in fighting Corona Disease on the night of April 5th is not a desirable and beneficial for the country.

- Rohit Sharma Vishwakarma

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