Thursday, February 27, 2020

Is this Country belongs to Amit Shah's father?

Since the issue of 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) & 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC) came into light, the Country has engulfed in delusions because people intrepret them in their own way. Those who will be possibly affected by the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) & 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC), consider them very dangerous for themselves. According to them the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) is unconstitutional. Besides all opposition parties also condemn this act saying this as unconstitutional. Here we should know what is the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA). The Central Government has gotten it passed from the Parliament for giving Indian Citizenship for those Hindu's who have migrated from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh, because of their religious persecution in these countries. This act excludes Muslims migrated people coming or came from above the countries. Infact this act presently benefits the 14 lacs Hindu migrated people from Bangladesh in 1971 settled in Assam. These Hindus migrated people had come to India from Bangladesh during Indo-Pak War resulting in creation of Bangladesh in place of East Pakistan. At that time lacs of Muslim also had fled away from East Pakistan(Bangladesh) to India(Assam). In Assam a long agitation got started for expelling these migrated people from India and for this purpose making for a suitable law had been demanding. First of all migrated people were settled in Assam and in this process total 19 lacs people were found as a migrated people in which 14 lacs were Hindus, while 5 lacs were Muslims. These 19 lacs migrated people have no legal documents for residing in India. Now danger for expulsion has been looming large on the fate of these migrated people. It is to be remembered here that the identification of these migrated people were identified by making the 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC) on the instructions of Supreme Court.

Though these infiltrators had been identified but they have been not expelled yet and now the Modi Government had taken up the issue and for giving Indian Citizenship to Hindu refugees settled in Assam enacted the "Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA). But this act has created an atmosphere of anger in the whole country and right thinking people call it a partial and unconstitutional (fascist) act. They are of the opinions that keeping the Muslims from the circumference of this act is very objectionable. Till now no law was enacted which differentiate Indian Citizens as a Hindu and Muslims. All laws see all citizens of India as Indian Citizens not as Hindu and Muslims. But the Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah do not think it as a Fascist law. Inspite of it both of them consider it a Democratic law. Infact all right thinking people and experts of Constitution and experts of laws openly call it a Fascist step of the Government and have been demanding for rolling it back. The whole country is boiling on this issue resulting in scores of people have been killed during violent agitation by the Police firings. The agitators are deterning not to stop their agitation till fulfillment of their demand. They are opposing this law especially in Assam because of the giving Indian Citizenship to 14 lacs Hindus infiltrators and then those Hindus refugees who were come from Afghanistan and Pakistan because of their religious persecution. It should be remembered here that these infiltrators settled in Assam and Hindu refugees came from Afghanistan & Pakistan will be given Indian citizenship without possessing any legal documents. The original Assamese people have been opposing the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) because they think that giving Indian citizenship to 14 lacs Hindu infiltrators will harm there culture, social values, living style and characterstic. They say when these 19 lacs infiltrators have been identified then they must be expelled from Assam because they have been demanding it for a long time and have started an agitation for it. Now they will never accept the step of the Central Government to give them Indian citizenship. On this issue there is possibility of violent clash if the Central Government to 14 lacs Hindu infiltrators. As far as the 5 lacs Muslim infiltrators are concerned, the Central Government has decided to expelled them from Assam. This is the open religious discrimination between Hindu infiltrators and those of Muslims. Not only this lacs of Rohingya Muslims have taken refuge in India because of their torture in Myanmar but they are also not giving Indian citizenship under the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) because they are Muslims. The irony is that those Hindus who are living presently Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh will be given Indian Citizenship, it they apply for it under 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA). Thus the Government has opened the gate of coming of flood in the form of Hindu citizens of the above three Muslim countries into India.

The Home Minister Amit Shah himself now except this fact that crores of Hindus will come to India as a refugee and India will give them citizenship it means that 4 crores Hindus from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh can come to India after living their citizenship of their concerned countries. This is the real intention of Home Minister Amit Shah who has very clearly said it in the Parliament on the occasion of during the session of Parliament for getting passed this act. If this incident happens what will be the result? As we know that the economy of our country is not strong enough to provide these Hindus coming from above these countries. All facilities of a citizen. We are facing problem of Unemployment, Poverty, Inflation, Scarcity of Health Services, Good Education, Crunch of Infrastructure, Unsufficient Houses and Unsufficient School Buildings, Drinking Water etc. In this situation how can the Central Government provide these basic facilities to these 4 crores new citizens. It is certain that above problems presently facing by the countrymen will increase manifold. It is strange that Narendra Modi and Amit Shah who are spearheading the campaign of making the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) do not say anything about them. Both of them are only expressing their love and concerned for the persecuted Hindus of Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh and called themselves as a Saviour of persecuted Hindus of the above countries. We have not enough Food, Houses, Jobs for our present population. Infact Narendra Modi and Amit Shah are not concerned about the development of the country and solving of problems faced by it. Since Narendra Modi Government came to power it did not do any remarkable work in the field of development. So this Government is trying to divert the attention of the countrymen from failure of the Government to the very sensitive issue of the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA). Now the country has clearly divided into two sections. One the supporter of 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) and the other is those who are against it. The Supporters are Hardcore Hindus and those who are against it are right thinking people. The intention of PM Narendra Modi and HM Amit Shah is to enlarge the base of Hindutva votebank through this act.

Infact this act has been being opposed bringing of crores of Hindus from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh to India and for fear of losing citizenship by common Indian Citizens. Although, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah have been clarifying it that the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) will not harm any Indian Citizens, this act is to give Indian Citizenship those refugees who have come from Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh. But people do not believe in their statements because of the double speaking of Narendra Modi Government and its leaders. The Double speaking of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah is clear from the promises given by them to the people of India on the occasion of Parliamentry elections held in 2014. At that time Narendra Modi and Amit Shah had said that if they would come into power, they would create 2 crore jobs every year for unemployed youths, Bring Black money from abroad, Rupees 15 lacs deposited in the account of every Indian, Prices of goods to be stabilized etc. In addition to these four major promises made by Narendra Modi to the people of India, there are the number of others promises made by them in the Election Manifesto of 2014. After coming into power both of them forget these promises and thus befooled the countrymen. After that both of them did not express regret over the failure of implementation of the above four major promises made by them to the people of India. Can we not say about this blatant breaching of promises as a deceiving of trust of the Indian people? Thus how can we believe in the statements of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah about the 'Citizen Amendment Act'(CAA) not to be harmful for any Indian Citizen and not bring 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC) for implementation.

It should be remembered that 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) and 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC) are dangerous acts which will affect Indian Muslims, poor people of all community Dalits & Tribals as all of these are unable to produce documents required for proving their Indian Citizenship. It is the reason that the Protestors against this act include all kind of people of the society such as Dalits, Muslims, Tribals & poor people. In addition to it educated people who knows better about the harmfulness of this act are in very large number in which Students, Teachers, Professors, Intellectuals, Advocates etc include. While PM Narendra Modi and HM Amit Shah claim that the Protestors of this are uneducated and less educated who do not know better about this act. Infact this act and the proposed 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC) will not be beneficial for our country and which is unbeneficial for all of us cannot be supported in any situation.

It will not be irrelevant here to quote this statement of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Chief Minister Mamta Banerjee and others had also spoken for the need of 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) and the proposed 'National Register of Citizen'(NRC). No doubt these leaders also wanted to bring an Act like 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) and proposed 'National Register of Citizens'(NRC), but if they bring an act like CAA and proposed NRC, it will be totally different from the present one that is to say no religious community would be excluded from the sphere of such an act, Since the intention of making the 'Citizenship Amendment Act'(CAA) is not good, so the outcome of implementation of CAA will be certainly bad.

- Rohit Sharma Vishwakarma

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