Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Will the Kashmir mission of Doval succeed?

After scrapping the Article 370 and 35A act of the constitution by the Central government, Mr. Ajit Kumar Doval (National Security Advisor, Central Government) has been sent to Kashmir Valley as a fire fighter. This kind of step taken by government never worked as a mentionable number of Kashmiri people are against the government and they never want that Kashmir Valley should keep a state without special rights. In this situation Ajit Kumar Doval cannot win the heart of people of Kashmir Valley for accepting the decision of the government to keep them under new arrangements. A mentionable number of Kashmiri people never accepted the earlier situation of Kashmir Valley when the 370 was enforced because they understood that 370 was not enough because they wanted full freedom of Kashmir Valley. It is the reason that they had been engaged in war with Central government taking up arms in their hands. When Kashmiri people had gone to such a bloody path, how can they accept the lollipop of Ajit Doval.

- Rohit Sharma Vishwakarma

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