If the Prime Minister Narendra Modi express his views on any issue, it is seems very important. According to a media report Prime Minister expressing his views on 'Cow and Om' in a function held on September 11 at 'Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidhalaya' in Mathura said that some section of people are embarrassed when they heared the words of 'Cow and Om'. This comment of Prime Minister would have been appreciated by the hardcore Hindus of the country, while followers of other religions would have been feeling scared as they think that hardcore Hindu will now openly demand from people of other religions o give 'Cow and Om' the same respect as Hindus do. Having reason such statement on 'Cow and Om' by the Prime Minister, he has tried to impose Hindu religious views on followers of the other religions which will create tension in the country. The question is why followers of other religions has to give the same respect to 'COW' as Hindus do. In the same way why followers of other religions recite 'OM' as Hindus do. In a country like India there are many religions and they have their own method of worship. For creator of this Universe they used different names for him. As Muslims call him 'Allah', the Christians call him 'God', the Persians him call 'Khuda'. How can anyone accept that they will call 'Om' in place of Allah, God and Khuda. Modi Ji is the Prime Minister of India whose duty is to promote communal harmony in the country not to create tension. The comment about 'Cow and Om' by him will necessarily produced negative thinking among hardcore Hindus and this can disturb the fabric of the whole society. Some people expressed earlier that Modi is following his 'Hindutva' agenda and his expectations of giving respect the 'Cow and Om' by all followers of all religions shows it clearly that what is said about him is true. But it will be dangerous for the country. All right thinking peoples must condemn this thinking of Prime Minister and opposed it with tooth and nail. According to a report published by Ministry of Environment in 2017 Cow slaughtered in Kerala, West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim and Union Territory Lakshdeep. Cow is slaughtered in these states openly and eaten freely. Now Prime Minister Modi should clarify his views on slaughtering of Cows openly im these states.
- Rohit Sharma Vishwakarma
- Rohit Sharma Vishwakarma
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